Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The magic of Quinoa.

I've long heard of this magic little South American grain called quinoa, which is often eaten in substitution of rice or other grains. I'd never seen it in stores and never had it, but when my mom told me a friend had given her a bag of it, I jumped on the chance to try it.

It's apparently made in a very similar way to rice, and has a consistence similar to cous cous. My mom added some sea salt too it, and it turned out a little too salty, but I'm unsure if that's the fault of my mother of the grain, since it was the first time she'd ever had it either. Overall, I really liked it and has some awesome nutritional values. It's would be considered a carb, but it has a high protein and fiber count, making it a pretty substantial meal. We had it with pork loin roast and a salad, and it tasted great with some of the gravy on it. Skinny Tastes also has an awesome recipe for a fried rice type dish, which I'd really like to try.

The one down side is my mom said she's seen it in the store and it can be a little pricey. However, I think it'll make a nice change every now and then.

Also, I think everyone will be happy to know I wasn't paying attention when I was typing the title and it came out "Them magic is quinoa." Wow, grammar much?

Also, I really need to work on focusing when I write these entires. I feel like I could make them so much... better if I stopped getting distracted. That'll be a goal for this.

Over and out!


  1. Quinoa is <3. One of my favorites is mix 1/2 quinoa and 1/2 black beans and an egg for binding, then make burger patties. Low cal burgers, ftw! You can cook them in the oven even for extra healthyness. I like adding chopped red peppers to mine. The black bean/quinoa mixture can also be used as burrito filling.
    Orrr you can add cinnamon to quinoa for breakfast.

  2. Ash, that sounds awesome. I'm a huge fan of alternative burger patty type things.
