Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Vegetables, yes!

Things have been going well. I went and worked out four days last week. I went and did Zumba yesterday, but I skipped this morning. I accidentally messed up my foot yesterday, and then Zumba'd on it, pushing me to the point of limping. I decided skipping the gym this morning was in my best interest. Besides that, I'm totally exhausted because of hormonal type things. I mean, went to be a little before 11 last night, work up briefly at around 12:30 when my boyfriend came home and acknowledged him, then fell back asleep. I even slept a little later until about 9 today too. Still exhausted. Oh well. I did go to yoga today though! Also, I think my roommates took her bike home this weekend :( No more biking for me.

I'm trying this thing where I'm actively eating more vegetables. I'm trying to make my lunches almost entirely vegetables. Today I had some tabouli my mom gave me this weekend and some carrots and hummus. I have a lot of leftover frozen vegetables, so I'm thinking I'm going to start eating this for lunch. I'm also making sure I get my salad each night at dinner, so that's another nice bunch of veggies. Om nom nom.

Not a whole lot else going on here. Trying really hard to work on my candy consumption, especially after my mom got my so much yummy Easter Candy! But hopefully me offsetting that with healthier snacks is going to help with that. Yay!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Working working working!

Phew, busy.

Just got back from Zumba, which I mistakenly ate dinner about an hour and a half before Zumba. I made it through, but it was less than fun. Moral of story- tough it out and don't eat until after working out. Also, I'm going to go on a bike ride again tomorrow morning. Yaaaay.

I think I've gained back a few pounds. Either that or I'm retaining water because of my hormones and stuff. I know your weight can fluctuate a lot due to water, so I'm not terribly worried, but it still bums me out. I've been feeling kind of down on my body recently, and I think it's because I fell off the working out thing (though I'm getting back on it now!) But every time I do Zumba or something, I feel everything jiggling around and it makes me so self conscious. I mean, I know you're supposed to have some body fat, especially women, but my butt jiggling around makes me especially self conscious. I gain weight in my butt, hips and thighs, so that where all my fat is, jiggling around. Though the good news, supposably it's better to gain weight in those areas instead of on your stomach, in terms of heart health.

Also, eating better is getting hard, because I'm moving in two weeks and I don't want to buy all sort of random food. I'm making fried rice style quinoa tomorrow though, so I'm excited about that. Nice vegetarian dish, and I know it'll make me feel good. I think once I move out to California (since that's when I'll really have control over my diet again) I'm going to try and start eating vegetarian two or three times a week. We'll see if that works out though.

Also, there's a 10 pound cheesecake in my refrigerator. That's right, 10 pounds of New York style cheesecake, in my apartment. My roommates gets one every year for her birthday. Oh dear... temptation temptation.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cycling FTW

I know, I know, I've failed at updating this thing with any sort of consistency. BUT things are still going well. I've been kind of bad about going to the gym, and this weekend I was gone at a retreat and ate a bunch of junk, but I'm getting back on track. Plus, two people in the past week have told me I look skinny! Hooray!

I went to Zumba Monday, but my friend who leads the class had a commitment at the normal time for Zumba today, so I was just going to hit the gym for an hour. Then I went outside and realized it was BEAUTIFUL outside. So I thought maybe I would go for a walk, but I live in a kind of sketchy area. Then it dawned on me- my roommate has a bicycle. I could go cycling around campus and in the neighborhoods! My last cycling experience about a year ago was less than pleasant, but I figured I could make on the roads, since last time I went off roading and ran into a million trees.

It was a AWESOME choice! I had a good time, I can tell I got a good workout because I only cycled for half an hour but was beat when I got back, plus I feel like I'm building muscle in my legs, which is great since all my fat hangs out in my legs, butt, and thighs. I did a little research on the benefits of cycling as well, and I think I'm going to stick with it for the next few weeks until I move back home. I do wish there was a better spot to do it here, but I got spoiled since I grew up right next to a bike path. I'm also thinking that maybe when I move to California I might buy a bike. I can go biking in the vineyards! Huzzah!

Alright, got to do laundry and get cleaned up from my ride. I have some left over minestrone soup and a salad for dinner- yum yum! Maybe some popcorn later if I feel like treating myself.

Over and out!