Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cycling FTW

I know, I know, I've failed at updating this thing with any sort of consistency. BUT things are still going well. I've been kind of bad about going to the gym, and this weekend I was gone at a retreat and ate a bunch of junk, but I'm getting back on track. Plus, two people in the past week have told me I look skinny! Hooray!

I went to Zumba Monday, but my friend who leads the class had a commitment at the normal time for Zumba today, so I was just going to hit the gym for an hour. Then I went outside and realized it was BEAUTIFUL outside. So I thought maybe I would go for a walk, but I live in a kind of sketchy area. Then it dawned on me- my roommate has a bicycle. I could go cycling around campus and in the neighborhoods! My last cycling experience about a year ago was less than pleasant, but I figured I could make on the roads, since last time I went off roading and ran into a million trees.

It was a AWESOME choice! I had a good time, I can tell I got a good workout because I only cycled for half an hour but was beat when I got back, plus I feel like I'm building muscle in my legs, which is great since all my fat hangs out in my legs, butt, and thighs. I did a little research on the benefits of cycling as well, and I think I'm going to stick with it for the next few weeks until I move back home. I do wish there was a better spot to do it here, but I got spoiled since I grew up right next to a bike path. I'm also thinking that maybe when I move to California I might buy a bike. I can go biking in the vineyards! Huzzah!

Alright, got to do laundry and get cleaned up from my ride. I have some left over minestrone soup and a salad for dinner- yum yum! Maybe some popcorn later if I feel like treating myself.

Over and out!

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