Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sick. Blah!

So I'm finally starting to feel better after falling down the other day, (though I'm still pretty sore) but now I'm sick. It was like ear infection turned into sore throat turned into sniffles. Blah. This always happens when I start working out- I get sick shortly after, ruining the routine I'm trying to get myself into.

Regardless, unless I get way sicker, I'm for sure working out on Tuesday. I ate fairly well yesterday though. I did treat myself to some mozzarella sticks, but I haven't had fast food in over a month, and I figured I had some calories left over to enjoy. Plus I knew if I kept denying myself I would eventually binge and eat an entire, greasy, nasty meal. It was really the best option.

I am going to make burgers later this week though, which I'm excited about. My new Cook This, Not That book has an awesome sounding smashed burger cooking method I want to try, and suggested grating zucchini and putting it in your burger, to make it a little more substantial as well as lower fat count. I couldn't find ground sirloin like the book suggested, so I'm just using lean ground beef. We'll see how this all turns out. Even if it's a train wreck, I'm sure I can make some adjustments.

Anyway, I need to go get some stuff done. I was really unproductive yesterday, and I need to actually so stuff today. Over and out!

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