Thursday, January 13, 2011


Guess what guys. I lost a pound! I know that sounds ridiculous, but I went to the doctor today and instead of being in the 140-143-ish range I normally am in, I was 139. Is it small? Yes. But it's still a victory. I know this is going to be a slow process, so I need to celebrate the small victories I can.

In other news, I worked out again today! I'm going to try to go tomorrow, but we currently don't have any water in my apartment, and if that's still the case tomorrow I don't want to drive back to campus from the boyfriend's apartment, workout, then drive back to his apartment to take a shower. If I miss tomorrow, I can always go Saturday and/or Sunday, so I'm not too worried.

In other news, I'm enjoying eating healthy snacks, like grapes, carrots, yogurt, small portions of chips and salsa. It's awesome. I'm trying this new thing where I make sure I'm not hungry, but I'm eating well. I'm hoping it will prevent yo-yo dieting and keep my metabolism up. I'm actually eating lunch now instead of just slim fast shakes, and it's preventing me from binge snacking like crazy. Hooray!


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